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Hair Rebonding

What Is Hair Rebonding?

It is a chemical process that include the changes of hair’s natural texture and create smooth and straight hair style. Usually it’s known as chemical straightening or thermal straightening.

It include few steps where all these helps will breaks the natural bond of the hair follicle then rebuilds them into different shape thus changes the way the hair looks.

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2 Types of Hair Rebonding Treatment At ruSila spa

Organic Rebonding Package

This treatment is using NATURE’s Hair Rebonding. It is permanent hair straightening treatment but still giving natural effect thus the style look more natural. It’s organic because we used NATURE’s product as we want to make sure the hair condition is still protected even under chemical usage.

We also include Luxury Hair Treatment under this package as we want to make sure the hair still get nourishment it needs. Using chemical product may cause hair prone to be dry thus combination with hair treatment will protect this condition from happening.

Soft Rebonding Package

For this treatment the end result will give soft rebonding effect. Compared to previous package we include classic rebonding under this package. It is suitable for those who wants to try hair rebonding but still wanna keep the natural texture of the hair.

Soft rebonding could be said as milder version of usual rebonding. in this treatment, instead of introduce strong chemicals to hair with high heat, milder version of chemicals are used with low temperature to still create hair the look more naturally. This treatment also help to reduce hair frizziness

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Before Rebonding

After Rebonding

Before Rebonding

After Rebonding